

来源:http://www.globalgeopark.org 作者:来源:广东技术师范学院学报 2007年第3期 发布时间:2007-3-26 阅读次数:

作者:罗春科 广东工贸职业技术学院


关键词:封开大斑石; 地质景观; 国家地质公园;

Abstract:The National geo-park of Fengkai big blotch stone is located in the east of Fengkai Guangdong.As special geological condition,there are all kinds of Geologic landform in the geo-park,and the Geologic landform in the geo-park is very abundant and centralized.In range of about 100 sq.km.s,there are several totally different physiognomies:diorite physiognomies,sand shale needle physiognomy,carbonate rock physiognomy.The precious and complete ancient mankind's site of south of China also can be found in the geo...

Keywords:Fengkai big blotch stone; Geologic landform; National geo-park